Anti-cellulite and reducing treatment bodyshock® by Mesoestetic

CHF 49.00

Comprehensive treatment that consists of carrying out a 100% personalized combination of active ingredients depending on the patient and their aesthetic alterations, accompanied by one of the 6 exclusive Mesoestetic massage techniques, which will increase the effectiveness of the treatment and favor the introduction of assets through the epidermis. Professional treatment can be performed in six strategic areas of the body.

  1. Double chin : signs of flaccidity due to excess adipose tissue.
  2. Arms : loss of firmness causing sagging of the tissue.
  3. Breasts : lose tone and elasticity due to hormonal changes, lactation periods or the passage of time, producing a loss of firmness.
  4. Abdomen and flanks : loss of tissue firmness and a localized accumulation of fat both in the frontal area and on the sides
  5. Buttocks : present loss of firmness and signs of flaccidity appear
  6. Legs : prone to retain liquids and fatty nodules generating the so-called orange peel .

The bodyshock® treatment It consists of a first phase based on 10 cabin sessions, being able to treat more than one area in the same session, achieving a more defined silhouette in just 5 weeks.

With the bodyshock® product range a treatment is achieved that has a draining and anti-cellulite effect, stretch marks are also combated and localized fat is eliminated and the silhouette is reshaped.

Anti-cellulite and reducing treatment bodyshock® by Mesoestetic

Anti-cellulite and reducing treatment bodyshock® by Mesoestetic

CHF 49.00